Anurael Eyra

"The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep."

🜂 🜃 🜁 🜄


Name Anurael Eyra
Age early twenties
Race raen, au ra
Height 4 fulm, 9 ilm
Build slim and delicately toned
Skin Tone pale, peachy-toned and freckled
Hair Color ash blonde with snow-touched highlights
Eye Color gilded, incandescent
Unique Markings elongated canines, a septum piercing, blackened nails and tips of fingers, heavily tattooed with shamanistic runes, and a small scar upon the upper left cheekOrientation Bisexual
Relationship Status Disillusioned and heartbroken, Anurael abhorbs the idea of vulnerability or frailty for another. Loathe to love again after her last.
Alignment true neutral
Occupation apothecarist and fortune teller
Religion agnostic
Birthplace ???
Current Residence a small shop/home in ishgard
Languages deeply accented common (icelandic), auri tongue


  • botany

  • gems and crystals

  • arcane knowledge

  • books/tomes

  • the smell of cloves

  • mythos/mysticism

  • woodland fauna

  • quiet nights and heavy rainfall


  • idle prattle

  • entitlement

  • excessive heat/dry climates

  • zealots

  • national politics

  • brass instruments

  • unpredictable behavior

  • cruelty toward the less fortunate


Unusually calm and quiet, with a penchant for speaking in riddles, the esoteric nature of the woman bleeds through in even the subtleness of her demeanor. From an ever-observant gaze, to the methodical way she seems to analyze her surroundings and the people she meets, it is obvious there are very few who’ve managed to get close to the true nature of the Raen. Vigilant, impassive, and composed are likely the most definitive descriptions of her persona. But it does seem to be a veil masking a softness only obvious to those she allows to see it.

misc details

» has a fondness for puzzles and riddles, particularly challenging ones will really thrill her. she can be lost for hours or days attempting to solve them.
» fascinated by the occult, una has procured a vast collection of esoteric relics and tomes to match her incredible knowledge of them.
» a storyteller at heart, the raen shares fanciful tales of a history that no one is for certain if it is truly hers, or simply one she'd read in a story once.
» has a great affinity toward the night and can often be found stargazing
» while not one to admit it, una is
terrified of heights and won't often place herself in any position that takes her feet too far from solid ground.


Finn Andor

Having met by chance in the streets of Ul’dah, Una’s relationship with the sky-pirate is one of mutual interest and a shared sharp mind for finding the truth in even the most fantastical fables. Relic hunters by heart and hobby, and after an almost fated fortune-telling by tarot that felt weighted in its purpose, the two have agreed to remain in contact for the benefit of seeking out stories most have left to ruin, in hopes that in turn they shall find great fortune and favor.


DreamwalkerTouched as a visionist, a gift common among her kin, the Raen’s echo has surfaced in the unusual ability to dream-walk. A gift most often used for those in a dying state to pass peacefully, Una can also craft intricate dream worlds and visions that can be shared with the weakened or willing. Or even travel into the dreamscape the person's own making. This ability can not overpower anyone unwanting of it and is only transferable by connection.MysticRelatively adept at the craft, the Au Ra has taken a strange liking to the mystic practice of tarot reading. Much the spiritualist herself and gifted with the affinity of foresight, Una seeks experience in the trade and can be found in Ul’dah giving readings for study. However, she does not usually charge for these sessions in gil, but rather brokers trade in secrets or intelligence pertaining to the individual or her own personal interests.Knowledge SeekerA curator of old tomes and ancient relics, the Au Ra’s true passion lies in seeking power through knowledge. In lieu of such, Una can oftimes be found buried in books or meandering aimlessly through vast libraries. It is her hope to someday form a free company that will assist her in such endeavors as seeking out ancient relics and uncovering true influence through secret texts or tokens that have long since faded into fable or obscurity.Insidious AetherFor those sensitive to the aether-flow of others, Una’s can often feel a bit foreboding in nature. Mutated, vile, and festering, the darkness that has webbed itself so intrinsically to the Raen's own seems insidious by nature and threatens to consume what purity the woman scarcely has left. For those near enough to read it, it is oppressive and violent, much like the chaos or panic of thrashing about in the aggressive currents of a pitch-black ocean.




» ohaii ! i’ve about 13+ years of forum based roleplay and a newly found love for mmo roleplay! however, this means i’m significantly slower in responding in-game than most are likely accustomed to. please be patient with me! it’s a learning curve.» as a writer, i have a preference for forming long standing relationships and story arcs over time, but am not completely against random one-offs depending on the person and situation.» please remember that the actions of my character are not reflective of me as a person, as ooc and ic are two very different things.» i am open to most types of roleplay, including mature and dark/violent themes. however, anything involving underage characters i absolutely refuse to participate in.» do not maim or injure my character, in any way, without previously discussing such with me. death is entirely off the table.» in regards to romantically inclined roleplay and shipping involving my character, i prefer such stories to play out organically through rp. and while i am not opposed to NSFW content, i prefer that it develops naturally and makes sense within the context of the story itself.» if you are interested in starting something up, please feel free to message me! even if i’m afk, i will try to get back to you.» discord available upon request! i am always open to discussing potential plots.